Since 1980s U.S. household debt has tripled and it may worsen health –

16 (UPI) — Carrying high financial debt is associated with higher blood pressure and poorer self-reported general and mental health in young U.S. adults, researchers say. “We now live in a debt-fueled economy,” lead author Elizabeth Sweet , an assistant professor of medical social sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern, said in a statement. “Since the 1980s U.S. household debt has tripled.
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We can see the emotional investment of parents in the quilts made for childrens cradles too. Made or commissioned for the birth of a child, some embroidered with the childs name and date of birth, they represent the human capacity of hope in the face of adversity. In lots of autobiographies and print culture children were frequently referred to as the repository of parental hopes; precious conveyors of familial and personal qualities on to the next generation. Wikimedia Commons, Two Women By a Cradle, 1670 Yet childrens lives were unbearably fragile. One demographer calculates that from the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries around a third of all children died before reaching their tenth birthdays in England and Wales. Mortality for infants under a year old could be even higher.
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